AAT Transitional Arrangements

The AAT are introducing their new (although delayed) qualification Q2022 in September. It’s the biggest change to their syllabus I can remember in twenty years.

There is a detailed overview of the main changes here, but there has been some recent news I wanted to make sure you had seen:

Exemptions gained from further qualifications

The AAT have told us that exemptions gained by AAT completers from the ICAEW, ACCA and CIMA qualifications will remain the same as they currently are.

Transitional arrangements

The AAT recently confirmed (after much pressure 😊) their transitional arrangements if students start a level under the current AQ2016 syllabus and then switch to the new Q2022 syllabus mid-level.

It’s important that students understand how this might affect them so myself and my expert colleague Nick Craggs are hosting a Zoom Q&A session where we can explain the potential implications. Please share this with any students or managers responsible for training. Monday 28th February 6pm to 7pm – register here for the replay https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rc-ChqjwiH9fSWiRlfNVTxzY8t-aE1COQ

Here are the key points from the AAT’s announcement:

The transitional fee is set at a level that means that students shouldn’t end up paying more than if they had started under Q2022 in the first place, meaning there is no benefit to delaying starting a new level until the new qualification is launched.

It’s also great news that students will retain the grades that they have earned for any AQ2016 assessments they pass. This is something we have spent the last year pushing for.