Development Programmes

Developing Leaders Programme
The admission to partnership, or promotion to director, is a major step for all parties concerned with people reporting it as being the biggest and most challenging career transition. Experienced partners may have forgotten how difficult the move can be and new entrants often under-estimate the scale of the change that is required.
At the heart of the transition, is the need to recognise that this status requires different skills and attributes and that it also brings new responsibilities, both financial and otherwise. In many cases, it involves a transition from the ‘safety net’ of employment, to the freedom (and downsides) of self- employment. All too often this can lead to some form of isolation, self-imposed or otherwise and a difficult adjustment to relationships with erstwhile peers and bosses.
In order to reduce some of these potential challenges, we have developed this programme; a unique programme that combines skills development, with training on the commercial aspects of being a partner in practice.

Management Development One (formerly Management Essentials)
Retention of ‘newly qualifieds’ is of paramount importance too many firms and their post exams skills development can play a large role in their engagement. It also enhances skills to help people become more productive members of the team and supports them with their new responsibilities.
This CharterGroup development programme has been designed to support the careers of not just audit and accounts team members, but for those of all disciplines, with the transferable skills covered being used in all areas of the firm.
The Management Development One programme starts at the time qualified accountants take their final exams, or soon after. For non-accountants it is when they are at a similar level of responsibility. The programme will run over a period of time that will help support their careers and provide a ‘flow’ that links to the individual’s career and leads into the Effective Managing programme.

Management Development Two (formerly Effective Managing)
As we move through our careers, managing others becomes increasingly important and requires a different set of skills and capabilities than those on which we have previously relied. These skills can be constantly developed and improved, but specifically moving into management is a key career transition, where receiving some focussed development can make a big difference to an individual’s success. Supporting our managers through the development of their key skills and providing people with an opportunity to learn from others who work in similar sized firms, will help them add greater value.
The Management Development Two programme picks up and builds upon the essentials, but is also a standalone programme and can be attended by managers from across the firm, whether new into their role or wanting a refresher. All programmes are eligible for CPD.
The CharterGroup development programme has been designed to support the careers of not just audit and accounts team members, but for those of all disciplines, as the transferable skills covered are those used in all areas of the firm.
Further Information
If you want any further information, either about the content of the programme, the suitability for attendance or just to find out more, then please contact