Join us

We are a premier alliance of quality independent professional service firms

You will be provided with opportunities to share ideas and expertise within the alliance and have the opportunity to offer additional services to both existing and prospective clients in a non-compete environment.

As a member you will have access to the following benefits:

  • Networking events, conferences, seminars, webinars and clubs with like-minded individuals. Our annual conference is a chance to inspire the whole leadership team
  • Affinity partners
  • Technical support
  • Inter-firm comparison research
  • Marketing support
  • New client onboarding
  • Guidance and support to help your team and your practice
  • Membership of Abacus Worldwide


Being a member of CharterGroup offers myself and our firm a great platform on which to share ideas with like-minded, forward thinking practices.

Discussing innovative ideas to take forward, they recognise products and services that may be beneficial to practices to help them grow and flourish.

I am able to discuss the day to day issues of running a practice with other member firms, giving me further understanding and the opportunity to compare experiences. CharterGroup supports members to compete, succeed, grow and keep moving with new ideas.

Steve Aston
Managing Partner of AGS Accountants