Latest news from HAT

At HAT Group of Accountants we have been providing an audit methodology and associated training and support to small and medium sized accountancy firms for over 45 years. Our experienced technical team has a wide range of practical experience in the areas of audit, financial reporting and practice procedures but is small enough to provide our clients with a truly personal service. We are privately owned and understand the challenges of running a small accountancy firm in the current climate. We are pleased to be working with CharterGroup as an affinity partner and have recently made available a tailored package of compliance services, including our core audit methodology available at a discounted rate to CharterGroup members.

This year has been challenging for all firms of accountants, but especially for auditors. The ongoing impact of Covid-19, the repercussions of Brexit and the significant recent changes to auditing standards, including those covering accounting estimates and going concern create a ‘perfect storm’ which is challenging to respond to. To help firms we have prepared a two hour CPD course covering the impact of the revised ISAs and are pleased to provide unlimited access to a recording of this at a discounted rate of £85 per Senior Statutory Auditor per firm. If you would like to take advantage of this or would like to discuss how we can help your firm remain compliant please contact Andrew on 020 7213 9911 or at